Random drug and alcohol testing is required by both the DOT and FRA for certain members performing safety sensitive jobs. While the regulation is quite complex, it is important for all of us to know some aspects of the procedure in order to protect ourselves if selected:
1-Notification: The employee must receive orders in writing. Those orders must include a specific train number the employee must use as transportation to the LIRR’s Medical Facility. When arriving at Mineola train station, employees are required to report directly to the facility. In the event trains are unavailable, or at management’s discretion, supervision may drive and escort the employee to the testing site. EMPLOYEES ARE NOT PERMITTED TO DRIVE THEMSELVES AT ANY TIME.
2-Union Representation: If possible, notify your union representative of your selection immediately. Not only will your representative review the orders, but he or she will witness any conflict, dispute or misunderstanding and act as an advocate on your behalf.
3-Collection Site: Once inside of the LIRR’s Medical Department, you are not permitted to leave the office until you have provided a sample. EMPLOYEES ARE NOT PERMITTED TO LEAVE THE OFFICE AT ANY TIME! Leaving the office without permission prior to giving a sample will be considered tampering and a refusal to cooperate by the Carrier. This will lead to severe disciplinary charges from the Carrier, which can result in termination.
4-Returning to Duty: Once completing the process employees are required to return back to their job locations or headquarters unless directed otherwise by supervision. In the event that the entire process has taken an employee past the end of their shift, the employee should notify their supervisor and union representative as they are entitled to payment for any extra time exhausted.