Message from President Jeffrey Klein

The General Membership Meeting will be held this Monday at the Hibernian Hall. 27 Locust Ave. Babylon, NY 11702 at 5:30PM.
All LIRR members are encouraged to take the LIRR Contract Survey. Contract negotiations will be starting soon. Let us know what concerns you would liked to see addressed this round of bargaining.
Click here or on the image below. (Please, LIRR members only.)

Take the contract survey now!

Two members who were terminated for sleeping have been reinstated back to work at Newark Airtrain. This happened before an arbitrator earlier this week in NYC. A third member remains terminated as we await the arbitrator’s decision. We remain optimistic.

An arbitration request has been filed for the wrongful termination of an LIRR member. We are waiting for a date.

I look forward to seeing you all at Monday’s meeting.