2018 Bombardier Airtrain Meeting Schedule
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VOTE NO! On this November’s election ballot New Yorkers will be asked to vote on Proposal 1, which will simply read, “Shall there be a convention to revise the constitution and amend same?”. Every twenty (20) years voters in New York are asked this…
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Third Rail/ High Tension/ Electric Light and Power/Electrolysis/ Sub Station Normally I would not be so blunt with my membership, but today is not a normal day. Last week we lost a coworker in a tragic accident. The Railroad continues to run on time,…
Last week a labor management meeting was held to discuss various issues at the site. As you all know there is a new director M. Redd, who has been sent to Newark to help improve performance at the site, and help the site meet…
IMPORTANT INFORMATION REGARDING THE NEW FEDERALLY MANDATED RANDOM DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING LEGISLATION. Our office has been notified that the LIRR has received clarification from the FRA regarding the mandate. Based on that clarification the LIRR has submitted an implementation plan which has been…
Once again summer is almost here and nothing announces its arrival better than Memorial Day weekend! During the weekend’s festivities please take some time to reflect on the freedoms we have as Americans, and remember those who made the supreme sacrifice protecting those freedoms…
LIRR Electrician Benito Rodriguez needs us! Benny has been kept out of work by the Carrier as a result of a medical condition he suffers from. Benny has used up all of his available time and is in desperate need. Here’s what you can…
LIRR MEMBERS The federal regulation (49 CFR 219) regarding drug and alcohol testing will be changing on June 12, 2017. As a result, all electricians in the M of W and M of E Departments will be subject to random drug testing. The Carrier…
We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of Kevin J. Holder, brother of Michael Holder (BIG MIKE) Electrician in the Motor Shop. Services Wake will be held Friday, January 6, 2017 2:00PM – 4:00PM and 7:00PM – 9:00PM At Moloney’s of Happauge…