Thursday, August 27, 2015
We have been informed by the site, that do to calculation issues regarding shift differential and overtime earnings, retroactive paychecks will not be issued this Friday, August 28th. Once the Company gives us a new date we will send out a notice.
We have met on two separate occasions with new Site Director Lisa Banks and her team. We may not always agree, but we are confident that we can move in the right direction and correct some problems that have plagued us. Unlike her predecessors, Lisa understands the importance of these meetings and recognizes their benefit. I would like to thank Lisa for that. We are looking forward to working with her.
Members are directed not to voluntarily change their shift and/or starting and ending time. Contractually 14 days notice must be given unless it is an emergency as defined under the new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). Members do not have the authority to waive their rights afforded them under the CBA. If you are being directed to do so without proper notice, contact our office immediately.
Please make sure that if you are performing any work on the guide way that you have a fellow employee designated as a “Lookout”. Their sole responsibility is to watch for oncoming train traffic. Do not allow yourself to be sent out without one.